Monday, October 27, 2014

App. #5 Remind 101


Remind 101 is a safe classroom app that allows teachers to communicate with parents. Teachers can send our reminders, assessments, notes, and emotional boosters with this easy to use app. It can be used to remind parents to bring diapers or wipes if used in a daycare, it could remind everyone of a choir or band concert in case a parent forgot. This app is a safe way to communicate because all messages are one way, and there is no phone number being used.  This is a nice app for parents to have because they can easily check in and see what their child's classroom is doing. There is an option to receive notifications every time the app is updated by the teacher, but this can be turned off at the parent’s disposal. 

Developer: Remind101
Version: 4.3.1
Rating: 4 out of 5

Ages: For parents and Teachers from birth-12th grade.  

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