Monday, October 27, 2014

App. #4 Class DoJo


This is a great app for teachers and parents as a way to monitor behavior in the classroom. It gives instant feedback to a parents phone, which notifies them if they have good or bad behavior. Each student is allowed to pick there own avatar, and they know that when they hear it "ding" it means that someone has done something outstanding in their behavior. The cool thing about this app is that it is anonymous until the child looks at there own account on there parent's device. Then it will tell them if they were the one who had good behavior or if they were naughty that day, This is a hassle free way to relay information to parents on classroom behaviors. 

Developer: Class Twist INC. 
Version: 2.7.3
Rating: 4 our of 5

Ages: k-through 5th grade.

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